Saturday, December 7, 2013

Weekly (monthly?) Roundup pt. 2

So continuing with the monthly roundup...

First up is Baby Blues, first with a section from bugsyblacklab:

and here it is with its latest section from wyominggal:

Halloween was knit on by marleyjean:

as well as pinnut:

Bugsyblacklab shared a picture of Peppermint:

as did suehling:

Here's Peter Pan II after bugsyblacklab's needles

and then after suehling got done with it:

We have three pictures of White Christmas.  First section by wyominggal:

Followed by pinnut's section:

Followed by wyogg's section:

And lastly, here's Melon-Calling Baby courtesy of bugsyblacklab:


and pinnut:

Until next week!

Weekly (Monthly?) Roundup pt. 1

Seeing as I made a mistake when scheduling posts in advance (and it took me a while to notice), this weekly roundup will be more of a monthly roundup and will be split into two posts.  So let's begin, shall we?

WyomingGal started Amber Waves of Grain:

and also knit on Strawberry Kisses:

Krismorales added sections to both Whale Watch:

and Wild Turkey:

Honex shared a picture of Gemstones:
Dimpledapple worked on Anchors Aweigh II:

Marleyjean knit on Watch Me Grow:

and suehling was busy starting Icicles:

while rezo worked on the first section of Snowflake II:

Until next post!